


A New Life Energy

我的胃病好了, 增了18磅









我的胃病好了, 增了18磅

2011 年春我開始得了胃病,胃鏡照了幾次,照大腸,驗血等程序都做了,西醫轉了好幾個,答案祗是胃酸過多,胃氣脹和有點胃酸倒流,一直給我吃去胃酸,化胃氣的藥,我的胃也不痛,祗是沒胃口,吃完東西有頂著的感覺,人一天一天瘦下去,祗有90磅! 轉看中醫也不成! 甚至針疚、穴位按摩、拍打拉筋都嘗試了,一次又一次的失敗使我陷於絕望。

2013年10月,在親戚介紹下,抱著姑且一試的心情,我開始學習氣功,並接受每星期三次調氣的治療,兩個多月過去了,心情放鬆了一些,但病情却沒有明顯改善,我本想放棄了, 却剛巧認識了韓老師,他說我身體非常弱,教我站一個針對脾胃的樁,約兩星期後的一天,我突然拉肚子,然後奇蹟出現了,我變得很能吃,使我開心鼓舞,十天胖了四磅。於是懷著信心繼續練功,之後,慢慢地增磅了。




K. C.



A New Life Energy

I was introduced to Qi Qong by an acquaintance, Stepheny, who has become a friend, following an operation for kidney cancer 3 years ago.

At first, Stepheny talked about “Energy” that surrounds us and gave me a book by Adams, a healer, which made me better understand what the cosmic energies were and in which way Qi Qong can help you in mastering them.

Then I went to practice sessions with Stepheny to learn the basics. After practicing on a regular basis, I noticed significant improvements in my health getting the upper hand on cancer without any chemical treatment and stayed in recession for 3 years before I was recently diagnosed with a new organ infected.

Again with Qi Qong treatments from Master Han and Stepheny I was able to go through another surgery with surprising ease. I was discharged of hospital the 3rd day after the operation in a strength that astonished the surgeon from a 65 years old man that has had a “wild” life for years and was a heavy smoker. I set the record at QMH for the shortest stay for a major case…

I have continued to practice on a regular basis and receiving healing sessions by Master Han that is a direct influence in my recovery. From now on, Qi Qong is definitely part of my way of life!

This recovery has also raised a lot of curiosity amongst my friends who could witness the direct effects, knowing well my approach to fighting cancer without chemical slavery!

A lot of them began exploring Qi Qong for their own benefits with satisfying results. And have also made it a definite part of their life.

Pierre M.

14 Sept 2016
